Sure, we have redundant array of independent disks ( RAID) scaling and NAND flash solid-state disks ( SSDs), but as noted by IBM Almaden Research, the time scale differences of the access time gap are massive in human terms. 当然可以,我们有独立磁盘冗余阵列(RAID)扩展和NAND闪存的固态磁盘(SSD),但正如IBMAlmaden研究表明的那样,存取时间间隙的时间尺度差异在人类语言中是巨大的。
As a crucial part of high-performance systems in modern processors, SRAM is usually used as a multi-level cache that can bridge the access time gap between processors and DRAM. 在现代处理器架构中,SRAM作为高性能系统中不可或缺的一部分,通常作为多级缓存以弥补处理器与DRAM存取时间的差距。